When will the original KickAss Torrents website be back? We believe that the original website won’t be back any time soon. It’s been many years that the website was taken down by the US authorities. Since the domain was taken from the original owner, the KAT website might come back online with a new domain name. Who knows, it might already have which we aren’t aware of. About KickAss
Kickass Torrent a été fondé au mois de novembre 2008. L’ambition du site était de devenir le plus grand site de torrent au monde. L’objectif a été atteint en 2014 où il a dépassé l’indéboulonnable Pirate Bay. Mais dès 2011, KAT a eu des ennuis judiciaires. Il a changé de nom de domaine à plusieurs reprises. D’abord, il était au Philippines, puis dans les îles Tonga jusqu isoHunt.app is a new version of isoHunt the isoHunt Hydra ( with this new version of isoHunt you can avoid being blocked we have lot of domains there! ) other official isoHunt domains. isoHunt2.net isoHunt.fun isoHunt.nz isoHunt.ch. Friends: Kickass Torrents | Torrent Project 12/02/2015 Le propriétaire d’IsoHunt lance un clone de Kickass Torrents, 24 heures après la fermeture de l’original.
07/07/2020 · Before Kickass Torrents rose to prominence, most netizens used The Pirate Bay since its launch in 2003. The site has survived quite a number of domain seizures and received lots of DMCA notices. Its founders have also been imprisoned quite a number of times, but the website has somehow survived, which makes us believe it is here to stay. Back in the day, the site displayed X-rated ads to
10 years of isoHunt. Jan. 22 to the day, when the domain was registered. When I started isoHunt during engineering school, I truly did not think I'd be working on it for 10 years, but here I am. Napster, Kazaa, Suprnova, LokiTorrent. Big names have come and gone, and the Internet has changed. One would think we the people of the Internet are losing to the copyright cartels, but I think These IsoHunt proxy and mirror sites are run and maintained by the site’s ex-staffers and cyber volunteers voicing the cause of free world wide web for everyone. Furthermore, they are updated with new torrent files and sport the same lush interface that made IsoHunt massively popular. In fact, users can also choose to download movies, TV shows and whatnot from torrent files, hash or magnetic Ainsi, un dénommé IsoHunt a lancé hier soir un clone de Kickass Torrents. Il a en fait tout simplement mis la main sur une sauvegarde du site et l’a hébergé sur ses serveurs. Un clone IsoHunt a baissé le rideau. Son fondateur, le Canadien Gary Fung, a trouvé un arrangement avec la MPAA qui se traduit par la disparition du site de liens BitTorrent, l'obligation de ne plus
Isohunt Proxy, unblock. Proxy 1 Proxy 2 Proxy 3 Proxy 4 Proxy 5 Proxy 6 Proxy 7 Proxy 8 Proxy 9 . When the original isohunt shut it doors within hours another clone of it came into existence and rode to success on the same clutter free UI of isohunt which is isohunt.to. I has almost 5 million torrents categorized into 10 major categories with utorrent, browser plugins for easy accessibility
Actuellement, Isohunt est disponible à l’adresse isohunt.to et il promeut des Torrents d’excellente qualité, mais il propose aussi des sites miroirs pour des plateformes tels que Kickass Torrent ou The Pirate Bay. Isohunt est apparu pour la première en 2003 et c’était un site très simple qui voulait proposer un meilleur index sur les Unblock your favorite torrent source by using one of our many proxy links. Our list is daily updated and the link status is monitored by our system. Many proxies are available: Kickass Torrents, The Pirate Bay, YTS, RARBG, 1337x, EZTV, Zoogle, and more! 26/07/2020 · IsoHunt keeps Kickass Torrents alive. DECCAN CHRONICLE. Published Jul 22, 2016, 10:10 am IST. Updated Jul 22, 2016, 10:10 am IST. The Kickass Torrents mirror website only features a listing of the IsoHunt Proxy (2020): Isohunt provides extra mile services to its users. To download the files from a blocked site, you can use the added Isohunt mirror sites for the mirroring of the actual Isohunt site. Ainsi, un dénommé IsoHunt a lancé hier soir un clone de Kickass Torrents. Il a en fait tout simplement mis la main sur une sauvegarde du site et l’a hébergé sur ses serveurs. Un clone Kickass Torrent a été fondé au mois de novembre 2008. L’ambition du site était de devenir le plus grand site de torrent au monde. L’objectif a été atteint en 2014 où il a dépassé l’indéboulonnable Pirate Bay. Mais dès 2011, KAT a eu des ennuis judiciaires. Il a changé de nom de domaine à plusieurs reprises.