TorGuard VPN Review. The above listed points are just “general VPN” benefits, if that’s all Torugard was offering, I wouldn’t have wasted my time with this TorGuard VPN review, some other “exclusive” or “rare” VPN benefits being offered are: P2P and Torrent Support. OpenConnect Protocol; Stealth VPN Proxy.

1 day ago CNET recommends the best VPN service after reviewing and testing the Read more: ExpressVPN review: A VPN speed leader with a secure  5 Nov 2015 Torguard is a no-logs VPN company specializing in anonymous VPN services for bittorrent/torrent users. Read our full Torguard review of:  19 Jun 2016 This is about as good as it could be, short of using a VPN config file generator a la ZorroVPN or AirVPN. Regardless, the files were easy to find,  20 Jun 2018 TorGuard offers premium security and privacy features that will appeal to more than just BitTorrent users. If not for TorGuard's privacy-unfriendly 

Reviews and ratings for TorGuard VPN Extension. Find out what other users think about TorGuard VPN Extension and add it to your Firefox Browser.

5 Nov 2015 Torguard is a no-logs VPN company specializing in anonymous VPN services for bittorrent/torrent users. Read our full Torguard review of:  19 Jun 2016 This is about as good as it could be, short of using a VPN config file generator a la ZorroVPN or AirVPN. Regardless, the files were easy to find,  20 Jun 2018 TorGuard offers premium security and privacy features that will appeal to more than just BitTorrent users. If not for TorGuard's privacy-unfriendly 

Choisissez le meilleur service VPN selon vos besoins grâce à nos revues des meilleurs VPN. 'Top50vpn' est un projet totalement indépendant et entièrement gratuit. Pour que le site continue à fonctionner de façon neutre et à combatte le la bataille de la confidentialité en ligne , …

TorGuard Avis d'utilisateurs"> User Comments. SF Average speed. Sally Fox. The speed of the vpn is not too fast or too slow. I can download stuffs and upload a good number of things. Working with Torguard Vpn is not dissapointing but Myb the prices should be reduced just abit. 19 avril 2019 13:13:05 TorGuard Répondre JM No free trail. Joe Matthews. I believe it’s a well know fact that all Choisissez le meilleur service VPN selon vos besoins grâce à nos revues des meilleurs VPN. 'Top50vpn' est un projet totalement indépendant et entièrement gratuit. Pour que le site continue à fonctionner de façon neutre et à combatte le la bataille de la confidentialité en ligne , …